My Mozambique Trip
When I was called upon to have a little toddle off to Santorini Mozambique for a bit of a look-see, I couldn’t help but subconsciously get my Shirley Valentine on. Granted, I’d like to think I'm not quite old enough to….../
When I was called upon to have a little toddle off to Santorini Mozambique for a bit of a look-see, I couldn’t help but subconsciously get my Shirley Valentine on. Granted, I’d like to think I'm not quite old enough to….../
Overlooking a secluded lagoon in the northern Okavango Delta, Kwara offers the ultimate Delta experience with access to the permanent waterways of the Delta as well as expansive dry land areas, it is known for its predator sightings - lion,….../
South Africa has a unique set of challenges with millions of people living from hand to mouth. With no jobs and no income, people are starving. Kids are crying from hunger. The COVID-19 pandemic has completely changed our lives. It has been incredible to….../
I have always felt that Kenya is the absolute quintessence of African safari adventure. For a plethora of intangible, interwoven reasons, with roots deeply entwined in Europe's colonial history of explorers, traders and naturalists, the notion of 'safari' first, and irrevocably, intoxicated our collective Western….../
When winter finally decided to make an appearance in the Western Cape it welcomed widespread gratitude and some not inconsiderable relief. Finally the parched land and desolate dams had some much needed nourishment. So, with the proliferation of beanies, anoraks….../
In my time as a travel consultant, I could not have helped but become a bit of a safari name-dropper. Being a professional visitor of game farms and reserves I have been lucky enough to have been forced, with gnashing….../
My blessings are twofold. Not only do I live in South Africa, just a short hop away from the world’s greatest game reserves but I have a job that compels me to go and see them. My latest directive was….../
It’s really fascinating to try and imagine what went through the minds of those whose first notion of the Victoria Falls was the thunderous plume of mist on the horizon. The sights beheld by David Livingstone and those before him….../
From Lake Manyara Tree Camp, our safari then ventured into the open spaces and to two of my most eagerly awaited destinations, the Ngorongoro Crater and the Serengeti. The crater at Ngorongoro is the largest inactive and intact caldera in the….../
As a Danish person living in Africa it was probably impossible for the iconic film Out of Africa to fail having an impression on me. Although I was just a wee little thing when the movie was released in the mid 80’s,….../