Tales from our trails

Our African travel blog features a smorgasbord collection of articles ranging from updates from the bush, safari stories, travel tips and advice,
 conservation matters, industry gossip and insightful news and reviews about travel in Southern and East Africa. With contributions by travel experts with a passion for Africa, you will be inspired, informed and prepared for your next African adventure.

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Racing The Planet Madagascar

Racing The Planet Madagascar

On August 31st 2014, Madagascar plays host to one of the world’s most thrilling and challenging country races. Covering a marathon distance of 250 kilometres and lasting for a gruelling seven days, Racing The Planet is certainly not for the….../

Our Top Rated Star Beds

Our Top Rated Star Beds

Imagine sleeping under the stars, and not just any old stars but a magnificent tapestry of far away galaxies and suns that might have died out millions of years ago, but their light rays are only just piercing the dark….../